T - t

taa1 adj. other. Boiti mi, a sama ya, da taa sama de ete. Besides me, there are still other people.
taa taa adj. different.
taase n. other side; next. Ná waka de, waka a taase! Don't walk there, walk on the other side! ant: wanse.
taawan n. other one. Di i go teke den buku, saide meke yu á teke den taawan tyai kon tu? When you took the books, why didn't you bring the other ones as well?
wan taa(wan) n. another one. From: EN. Etym: other .
taa2 n. tar. Te yu oli taa, da ai baaka i ana. If you touch the tar it will blacken your hand. From: EN. Etym: tar .
taa dei n. another day; other time; another time; next time; last time. See main entry: dei.
taa eside n. day before yesterday. See main entry: eside.
taa mun n. next month; last month. See main entry: mun.
taa taa adj. different. See main entry: taa1.
taa tamaa n. next day; day after tomorrow. See main entry: tamaa.
taa wiki n. next week; last week. See main entry: wiki1.
taa yali n. next year; last year. See main entry: yali.
taagi vt. tell. See main entry: taigi.
taampu1 1) vi. stand. Te i taampu, dati wani taki i á sidon. When you stand, that's to say you are not sitting. ant: sidon. Variant: taanpu.
2) vi. be straight. A tiki taampu tiloo, a á koon. The stick is straight (ideophone describing straightness), it is not crooked. ant: koon; sikweli.
3) vt. step on. Di a man taampu na a bataa tapu, ne a koti en. When the man stepped on the (broken) bottle, it cut him. See: waka.
4) n. act of standing. San na a taampu (di i taampu) de? Why are you standing there?
taampu taampu adj. standing. A man de taampu taampu e luku futu bali. The man is standing watching the soccer game. ant: sidon sidon.
5) vi. stop where you are walking. Taampu! Ná waka go doo! Ogii de a fesi! Stop! Don't walk through, there's danger ahead!
6) vt. uphold. Fosi i poti pakisei, da i yee sowan sowan sama dede sondee en yuu doo, efu a Masaa Gadu á taampu. Before you know it, you hear so and so is dead before his time, if the Lord God does not uphold (him).
taampu2 n. stairs; staircase. See main entry: taapu.
taampu a lo See main entry: lo2. idiom. stand in line (lit. stand in row).
taampu taampu adj. standing. See main entry: taampu1.
taanga 1) adj. strong. Samson na be wan taanga Dyu di be e fon tyaipi sama awan pasi. Samson was a strong Jew who beat many people at the same time. ant: malengii; masi2; swaki. See: kaakiti.
2) adv. fast. A syafeli e lei a wagi taanga te. The chauffeur is driving the car so fast. ant: saafi.
3) vi. be hard in texture; be tough; be rigid; be inflated fully. A beele taanga te, mi á poi kaw en. The bread is so hard, I can't chew it. Mi pompu a bali kon taanga baka, bika ala a winta be komoto a ini. I pumped up the ball to be fully inflated again, because all the air came out. ant: safu.
4) adj. difficult. Fu meke wan wowtu buku na wan taanga wooko. To make a dictionary is a difficult work. syn: muliki; ant: makiliki.
5) adv. harshly. Mi á wani kon taki taanga anga u de, fu sani mu waka baka enke a taa leisi, fu tyai buduufu. (2 Kol. 2:1b) I don't want to come and speak harshly with you, so that things happen like the other time which brought (you) sorrow.
6) n. ability. Noiti u mu denki enke u hei moo taawan, anga a apaiti taanga di Masaa Gadu gi, fu wooko. Never think of yourself as better than others with the spiritual abilities which the Lord God gives for (us) to use. From: EN. Etym: stronger .
taanga ati See main entry: ati1. idiom. be vengeful; hate (lit. strong heart).
taanga baka n. small fly sp., Hippolysmata oplophoroides, (lit. strong back). See main entry: baka2.
taanga enke insii See main entry: insii. idiom. strong as iron.
taanga yesi See main entry: yesi. idiom. obstinacy; rebelliousness (lit. tough ears).
taanpu vi. stand. See main entry: taampu1.
taapu 1) n. stairs; staircase. Na a taapu den sama e subi go a wan sodoo osu a tapu. People climb to the upstairs part of a house on a staircase. See: sodoo. Variant: taampu.
2) n. stair; ladder. Te wan sama meke wan sodoo osu, da a wan taampu den e subi go a sodoo. When someone builds a two-story structure, he climbs to the upstairs on a stair. I sa teke wan taapu poti fu subi go teke wan sani di de a tapu. You can set up a ladder to climb and get something which is high. syn: ladaa. From: DU. Etym: trap .
taapun n. tarpon, Magalops atlantica. Taapun na wan fisi di de a ini ze. A taapun is a fish which is in the ocean. See: fisi. From: EN. Etym: tarpon .
taase n. other side; next. See main entry: taa1.
taata n. father. See main entry: tata2.
taawan n. other one. See main entry: taa1.
tabaka n. tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. Tabaka na wan sani di sama e poti a mofu e somoko. Tobacco is something which people put in their mouths and smoke. See: pipa2; sikaleti; somoko.
ali tabaka (a nosu) snort tobacco (lit. haul tobacco).
I tyobo tifi enke tabaka! Insult: You dirty teeth you, like tobacco! From: IB. Etym: tabaco .
tabiki n. island.
tabileti n. pill (medical). Di a uman go a dataa, ne dataa gi en tyaipi tabileti fu a diingi. When the woman went to the doctor, the doctor gave her a lot of pills to swallow (lit. drink). syn: peliki; sii2. From: GE. Etym: tablet .
tafaa n. table. Sa Lomina poti nyanyan na tafaa fu den sama nyan. Sr. Lomina placed food on the table for them to eat. See: sutuu.
Kon a tafaa baala! Come and eat, brother! (lit. come to table brother).
sete tafaa prepare and serve a meal (lit. set a table). Sete tafaa gi den sama meke den nyan. Prepare the meal for the people and cause them to eat. From: DU. Etym: tafel .
tafaa duku n. tablecloth. See main entry: duku1.
taigi vt. tell. A opo en mofu, ne a taigi en wan sani. He opened his mouth and told him something. See: taki1. Variant: taagi. From: EN. Etym: talk give .
taka n. branch of a tree. A manyan meke te, ala den taka fu a bon booko kai. The mango tree produced so much (fruit), all the branches of the tree broke off. syn: ana.
siton (taka) n. testicles. Ala manengee abi wan siton taka a den mindii futu. All men have testicles between their legs. syn: koko2. See: manungu. From: DU. Etym: tak .
taki1 1) vt. speak; talk; say. Den tu sama de nái taki anga denseefi. Those two people don't speak to each other. See: taigi.
gi wan sama gaan taki insult someone (lit. give someone big talk). Da Agodeba lobi saanti sama, bika ai gi den gaan taki alaten. Mr. Agodeba loves to belittle people, in that he always insults them. syn: saanti1. See: gaanengee; gawman. Variant: gi wan sama bigi taki.
poti fu taki authorize (lit. set to talk). Da dati o moo meke u si de fa na wi ya Masaa Gadu poti fu taki de tuu. (2 Kol. 10:15b) That will let you see better how it is we the Lord God has truly authorized.
soso taki words only (lit. only talk).
soso taki worthless talk; prattle (lit. worthless talk). See: wisiwasi.
taki sama sani gossip; blab (lit. talk people's things). See: gongosa; konkuu; kuutu.
teke taki obey (lit. take talk).
takiman n. speaker. ant: pikiman.
2) n. mediation; conversation; discussion. Di u go na a taki fu koti a toobi fu Baa Kodyo anga Sa Lomina, ne den feti leti a u fesi de. When we went to the mediation to lessen the tension between Br. Kodyo and Sr. Lomina, they began to fight right in front of us. See: mofu.
3) n. exercise authority (lit. talk). Na den kabiten e taki a den kondee fu Ndyuka. Captains exercise authority (lit. speak) in the Interior (lit. Aukan) villages. From: EN. Etym: talk .
taki2 conj. that. Mi taigi a man taki, mi á lobi fa ai du. I told the man that I don't like how he's acting.
taki mofu gi wan sama See main entry: mofu. idiom. curse someone (lit. talk mouth for someone).
taki ogii fu wan sama See main entry: ogii. idiom. slander (lit. talk evil about someone).
taki sama sani See main entry: taki1. idiom. gossip; blab (lit. talk people's things).
taki toli See main entry: toli. idiom. talking; converse (lit. talk stories).
takiman n. speaker. See main entry: taki1.
takitaki 1) vi. chatter. Da di a yee den somen sama e takitaki e kon, ne a akisi taki: “San na a somen takitaki di mi e yee e kon anda?” (Lk. 18:36) When he heard the crowd of people approaching and chattering, he asked, “What is all the talking about (lit. chattering) there which I hear?”
2) n. chatter. A takitaki fu den pikin e meke mi á poi siibi. The children's chatter is causing me to not be able to sleep. Di mi anga Adan go a busi, ne a takitaki towe ala den meti. When Adan and I went to the jungle, his chatter drove away all the animals.
3) n. conflict; intense friction between two parties. A takitaki fu a baya anga en uman e weli mi ede kaba, bika ala dei den e kisi toobi. The fellow's conflict with his wife wears me (lit. my head) out, in that they fight everyday. syn: kwali1; toobi.
meke takitaki quarrel (lit. make talk talk). Baa Soli anga Sa Lomina meke takitaki na a kondee te den feti. Br. Soli and Sr. Lomina quarrelled so in the village, that it led to a fight. syn: kwali1; meke toobi. See: feti.
takuu 1) vi. be bad; be evil. A man na wan takuu sama, bika ai libi fi en wawan. The man is an evil person, in that he lives only for himself. See: ogii; takuudu.
A takuu gi en. He's in trouble. (lit. it evil give him).
abi takuudu be avaricious (lit. have ugly doing).
2) vi. be ugly; be bad looking; be unpleasant. Te wan sama takuu, wansi san a o du, toku a ná o moi. When someone is ugly, despite what he does he will not be good-looking. A dei takuu tide, bika a hii dei alen be kai. The weather (lit. day) is unpleasant today, in that rain fell the whole day. ant: moin.
3) vi. be in poor condition. A pasi takuu, bika a abi toko toko anga gaan dipi olo. The path is bad, in that it is muddy and has very deep holes.
takuu ati See main entry: ati1. idiom. be evil (lit. evil heart).
takuu foo n. bat; flying mammal of the order Chiroptera, (lit. ugly bird). See main entry: foo.
takuu gwenti n. evil practice. See main entry: gwenti.
takuu jeje n. possessing evil spirits. See main entry: jeje.
takuu meti See main entry: meti1. idiom. jaguar; large feline Panthera onca (lit. evil animal).
takuu nen See main entry: nen. idiom. bad reputation (lit. evil name).
takuu tetei See main entry: tetei. idiom. euphemism for a snake (lit. evil or ugly rope).
takuudu n. evildoing; sin. Da i mu kai en Jesesi. Bika ne en o tyai yeepi gi a foluku fi en, fu puu den a takuudu anga ogii. You must name him Jesus. Because it is he who will save his people, to rescue them from evildoing and evil. Usage: often combined in the phrase takuudu anga ogii ‘evildoing and evil’. See: ogii; sonu.
tali n. language. Mi á sabi taa tali, a Ndyuka tongo wawan mi sabi. I don't know another language, I only know the Ndyuka language. syn: tongo. From: DU. Etym: taal .
tamaa 1) n. tomorrow. Efu tide na tudewooko, da tamaa na diidewooko. If today is Tuesday, then tomorrow is Wednesday. ant: tide.
taa tamaa n. next day; day after tomorrow.
2) n. in the future. Yu o toon wan sani tamaa. You will become somebody important in the future. From: EN. Etym: tomorrow .
tamalen n. tamarind fruit or tree, Tamarindus indica. Tamalen na wan gaan bon enke kankantii. The tamarind is a huge tree like the silk-cotton tree. From: GE. Etym: tamarinde .
tamanuwa n. Giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla. See: mila foiti. From: AI. Etym: tamandua .
tan1 1) [tàn] vi. live; dwell. Fisi e tan a ondoo wataa. Fish live underwater. See: libi.
2) vi. be; stay; remain; continue; keep. He na a moo switi meti fu busi, da a tan so pende pende. He is the most delicious meat of the jungle, it is spotted. Weeno, na so a man ya tan! Of course, that's the way this man is! Gaansama e wei koosi, den nái tan soso sikin. Adults wear clothes, they do not go around (lit. stay) naked. From: IB. Etym: estan .
tan2 [tán] interj. exclamation of surprise or indignation. Tan! San yu e du anga a pikin? What! What are you doing to the child? See: san3.
tangi n. thanks. Te wan sama du wan bun gi yu, da i mu gi en tangi. When someone does something good for you, you must give him thanks. syn: daa. See: gaantangi. From: EN. Etym: thanks .
tanpeesi n. dwelling; living quarters. See main entry: peesi.
tanto n. aunt. A sisa fu mi dda efu mi mma na mi tanto. My mother's or father's sister is my aunt. syn: tiya; Male: tiyu; omu2. From: DU. Etym: tante .
Tapamawoni n. the Tapanahony River basin. Tapamawoni na a pisi pe den Okanisi sama e tan. The Tapanahony is the area where the Aukaners live. Usage: “The Tapanahony is considered the tribal heartland...” [Vernon 1985:2]. syn: Ndyuka. Variant: Tapanahoni; Tapanawoni.
Tapanahoni n. the Tapanahony River basin. See main entry: Tapamawoni.
Tapanawoni n. the Tapanahony River basin. See main entry: Tapamawoni.
tapu1 1) n. air. Efi i opo i ede luku tapu deiten, da yu o si a san. If you lift your head and look in the air during the day, you will see the sun.
2) n. sky. Te neti, da yu e si somen sitali a tapu. At night you can see so many stars in the sky. See: woluku.
3) prep. top of. Mi poti mi futu na a tafaa tapu. I put my feet on top of the table. ant: ondoo1.
tapuse n. upriver; south. Usage: This is the local way of distinguishing the direction, south. syn: opuse; ant: bilose.
4) prep. in the act of. Di den kisi Baa Kodyo a fufuu tapu, ne a dyombo te a faaw. When they caught Br. Kodyo in the act of stealing, he was so startled he fainted.
5) n. extra; quantity above. Di ai teli a moni, a meke misiteiki gi mi feifi kolu a tapu. When he counted out the money, he made a mistake by giving me five guilders extra. From: GE. Etym: top .
tapu2 1) vt. restrain; stop; block. Tapu den sama fu den á feti. Stop those people so that they don't fight.
2) n. protective fetish. Den bonuman e abi tapu, fu sama á mu poi wisi den. The shamans have a protective fetish so that people are not able to bewitch them. See: bonu; wisi.
3) vt. cover. Tapu a nyanyan fu feefee á go ne en. Cover the food so that flies don't light on them. Den osu foo abi tyaipi uwii a den sikin fu tapu koo. Chickens have a lot of feathers on their bodies to stop the cold. Te i tapu a ondoo gaiden, da makisita á poi fende yu nyan fu gi yu malaliya. When you are (lit. covered) under a mosquito net, mosquitoes can't get (lit. find) to you to give you malaria. ant: opo.
A tapu wi oo! evening greeting (lit. it covers us oh). Di mi gaandda kon luku wi neti, ne a taki: “A tapu wi, oo!”, fu soi taki ai gi wi odi. Ne u piki taki: “A tapu wi ye!” When my grandfather came to visit us at night, he said, “A tapu wi oo!”, to show that he is giving us a greeting. And we answered saying, “A tapu wi ye!” syn: kuneti; ant: (U) Molugu oo!.
neti tapu evening (lit. night covers). ant: peesi kiin.
4) vt. close; shut. Tapu a doo meke sama á poi pasa go a ini a osu. Close the door so that people cannot go into the house. ant: opo. See: sooto.
5) vt. stop; shut off. Di mi doo pe mi e go, ne a syafeli tapu a wagi fu mi saka. When I arrived to where I was going, the driver stopped the car so that I could get off.
6) vt. forbid. Na Gaaman na a moo makiti sama fu Ndyuka liba, bika a sa tapu sama fu du wan sani. The Gaaman (paramount chieftain) is the most powerful person in the area where the Aukaners live, because he can forbid people from doing something. From: EN. Etym: stop .
tapu ain n. bone under the eyebrow (lit. above the eye). See main entry: ain1.
tapu ain uwii n. eyebrow (hair is in focus). See main entry: ain1.
tapu ana n. upper arm (lit. top arm). See main entry: ana.
tapu bali See main entry: bali1. idiom. thunder (lit. sky shout).
tapu bee See main entry: bee. idiom. close womb; permanently prevent conception; sterilize (lit. stop belly).
tapu bee pikin See main entry: pikin. idiom. last-born child (lit. stop belly child).
tapu boo See main entry: boo1. idiom. euphemism for dying (lit. stop breathing).
tapu e baaka See main entry: baaka. idiom. rain is approaching (lit. sky is blackening).
tapu goontapu n. on earth. See main entry: goontapu.
tapu i pangi See main entry: pangi. idiom. prickly brier variety (lit. close your skirt).
tapu koti faya See main entry: faya. idiom. lightening (lit. sky cut fire).
tapu meti See main entry: meti1. idiom. tree-dwelling animals, e.g. monkey, sloth, etc.
tapu mofu n. upper jaw. See main entry: mofu.
tapu sodoo n. upstairs. See main entry: sodoo.
tapu uku 1) n. corner of a street (lit. top of corner). See main entry: uku2.
2) See main entry: uku2. idiom. rounded the corner (lit. covered corner).
tapu wataa n. top of the water. See main entry: wataa.
tapun n. lid; cover. Teke a patu tapun tapu a patu, fu feefee á go a ini. Take the pot's lid and cover the pot so that flies don't go in. From: GE. Etym: top .
tapuse n. upriver; south. See main entry: tapu1.
tasi1 n. bag. Te u go a wenkii, a ini wan tasi wi e bai sani poti. When we go to the store, we put the things we buy in a bag.
wowoyo tasi n. shopping bag. Wan wowoyo tasi na wan tasi di yu e tyai go a wowoyo fu bai guluntu anga taa taa sani. A shopping bag is a bag which you carry when you go to the market to buy vegetables and other things. From: DU. Etym: tas .
tasi2 n. leaf or tree of the palm, Geonona baculifera. Den sama fu Ndyuka e poti tasi a den osi tapu, pe fu senkii. The people in the Aukan Interior place thatch on their roofs in place of zinc. Usage: leaves are used as roofing. See: senkii. From: AF. Etym: tazi .
Tata1 n. Father. Masaa Jesesi piki den taki: “Fu tuutuu mi e taigi u taki, a Manpikin á poi du ná wan sani boiti san a si a Tata e du. Ma san a Tata e du, na dati a Manpikin e du tu”. (Jn. 5:19) The Lord Jesus answered them saying: “Truly I say to you, the Son cannot do anything except what he sees the Father is doing. But what the Father does, the Son is doing. Usage: referring to God the Father.
tata2 1) n. father. Mi tata di meke mi, á leli mi ogii fu du anga taa sama. My father who made me did not teach me to do evil to others. syn: dada; Female: mama2. Variant: taata.
2) n. ancestor. Da Balanga na be tata fu a bee, bika a be sabi ala sani fu a bee. Mr. Balanga had been the ancestor of the family lineage, in that he knew everything about the lineage. See: afo.
den tata n. ancestors as a collective group. Den tata fu wi di be de a saafu, be e fii pen. Our ancestors who were in slavery, felt pain. syn: den afo; den gaandi; den gaansama; den gaanwan. From: AF. Etym: taata .
taya1 vi. be yellow. Gali na wan siki di e kisi sama, da ala en ana anga futu anga ain e taya taya. Jaundice is a sickness which people get in which hands, feet, and eyes get yellow. syn: donu.
taya taya vi. be yellowish. Te wan sani á kaba taya, da wi e taki a tan taya taya. When something is not quite yellow, we say it is yellowish.
taya2 n. taro plant of the Xanthosoma variety.
agaw taya n. kind of edible taro plant, Xanthosoma sagittifolium. syn: pon taya.
pon taya n. kind of edible taro plant, Xanthosoma sagittifolium. syn: agaw taya.
sineisi taya n. kind of taro plant, Colocasia esculenta (lit. Chinese taro). Sineisi taya na aseefi enke su taya fu boli baafun. Sineisi taya is the same as su taya used to make soup with. syn: su.
taya baafun n. soup made from a kind of taro plant root stem. See main entry: baafun.
taya pesi n. yellow, split peas. See main entry: pesi.
taya taya vi. be yellowish. See main entry: taya1.
taya uwii 1) n. leaves of the taro plant. See main entry: uwii1.
2) n. large, green, leafy vegetable, Xanthosoma sagittifolium. See main entry: uwii1.
te1 1) conj. when; if. Te yu bee fuu, da i á poi nyan moo. When (or if) your stomach is full, you can't eat anymore. Te i wasi koosi, da i mu baala den fu den dee. When you wash clothes, you should hang them up to dry. See: efu1.
baka te adv. after. Baka te i wasi koosi, da i mu baala den fu den dee. After you wash clothes, you should hang them up to dry. ant: fosi.
2) conj. at (the time of); during; when; while; as. Soo! Mi si yu, na yu e fufuu a manyan fu mi na a bon te neti. So, I saw you, you are the one who steals my mangoes from the tree at night. Te i de a goontapu, da na kenisi kenisi. While you are on earth, you (have to use) knowledge. Te deeten, da wataa e pina na a kondee. During the dry season there is a water shortage in the country. See: pe.
3) adv. until. Mi waka te mi weli, ne mi sidon boo. I walked until I was tired, then I sat and took a rest. From: EN. Etym: till .
te2 1) adv. emphasizes the previous characterization. A man baaka te, a dunguu pii. The man was so black, he was completely dark. A pepee ati te, mi á poi nyan a nyanyan di mi bai. The pepper is so hot, I can't eat the food that I bought.
2) adv. emphasizes the previous action. Mi tan luku a wagi te, di mi si a nái kon, ne mi gwe. I stayed and waited for the ride (so long), (that) when I saw it was not coming, I left.
3) adv. even to the extent. Bika den waka tyai a ogii fu den go doo ganda, te go doo Gaaman fu kondee magisin. They carry out their evil in public, even to the paramount chieftain's warehouse. From: IB. Etym: até .
te3 n. tea. Te na wan faya wataa fu diingi. Tea is a hot drink. See: faya wataa. From: GE. Etym: tea .
te doo adj. through and through (lit. till through). See main entry: doo1.
te fu adv. before. See main entry: fu2.
tee1 [téé] n. tail. Ala dagu abi tee di e wipi a baka. All dogs have a tail which waves behind (them).
oli kaw tee gi wan sama encourage someone (lit. hold a cow's tail for someone). See: gi (deki) ati.
agu tee n. pig's tail. See: kaw meti; sawtu meti.
kukutu tee n. scorpion (lit. left tail). syn: doti kwata. From: EN. Etym: tail .
tee2 1) [tèé] n. wooden platter used to winnow rice. Anga wan tee den e wai alisi puu buba. They winnow rice with a wooden platter. See: alisi; mata2; wai1.
2) n. dining table; meal. Den sama de a tee e nyan. They are at the dining table eating.
puu wan sama a tee call someone away from a meal (lit. remove someone from dining table). From: GE. Etym: tea ? .
teefu n. taboo which is believed to bring on sickness. Somen sama abi teefu fu sani di den á mu nyan efu du. So many people have a taboo regarding things they must not eat or do. Fu di a man nyanmi en teefu meke kina kisi en. Because the man ate what was taboo for him, he got leprosy. Usage: usually food taboos are in focus. syn: kina. From: HE. Etym: treifa .
teekiti n. funnel. From: DU. Etym: trechter .
teekitolu n. tractor. Wan teekitolu, na wan sani di e lei enke wagi, ma a di na a á gaw so. A tractor is something that drives like a car but is not as fast. See: wagi. From: GE. Etym: tractor .
teepala n. platter. See main entry: pala1.
tego n. eternity. Sama di o fika en hii libi gi Masaa Gadu wawan, da sowan sama sa fende a libi fu tego. (Mt. 10:39b) Those who give over their entire life to the Lord God alone, such a person will receive eternal life (lit. the life for eternity).
tei vt. tie up. Tei a boto, fu a á lowe. Tie up the boat so that it doesn't get away. See: tetei. From: EN. Etym: tie .
tei ati See main entry: ati1. idiom. persevere; stay or be brave (lit. tie heart).
tei bee See main entry: bee. idiom. bind with corset (lit. tie belly).
tei bee gi wan sama See main entry: bee. idiom. withhold food from someone (lit. tie belly give someone).
tei ede duku n. head scarf. See main entry: duku1.
tei pisi See main entry: pisi2. idiom. hold from urinating; continent (lit. tie urine).
teigi vi. tease; provoke. See main entry: teligi.
teke 1) vt. take. Te sama e gi yu sani, da i mu teke. When someone gives you something you must take (it). syn: gaapu; ant: fika.
2) vt. accept. Ma taawan de enke sii, di kai a bunbun doti. Den e yee a wowtu. Den e teke en. Da, den e meke tyaipi tyaipi nyanyan. (Mk. 4:20a) But others are like the side which falls on good soil. They hear the word. They accept it. Then they produce a big harvest.
teke wan sama taki obey (lit. take someone's talk). Sama na a sama ya seefi? A abi makiti te, winta anga seke wataa seefi mu e teke en taki. (Mt. 8:27b) Who is this person? He is so powerful, even the wind and waves must obey him. syn: yee.
3) vt. decide. Den be teke waka libi fu sikin, e du motyo sani, fu kai gaan sen sani. (Jud. 7b) They decided to live sensually, doing sexually immoral things, even very shameful perversions (lit. great shameful thing). From: EN. Etym: take .
teke a baka futu idiom. follow (lit. take the heel). See main entry: baka futu.
teke bee See main entry: bee. idiom. become pregnant (lit. take belly).
teke boo See main entry: boo2. idiom. take a break (lit. take breath).
teke ede See main entry: ede1. idiom. take the lead (lit. take head).
teke faya See main entry: faya. idiom. catch on fire (lit. take fire).
teke man See main entry: man2. idiom. have sexual relations with a man.
teke pangi See main entry: pangi. idiom. be a teenager who has not become an adult and has become pregnant (lit. take a skirt).
teke taki See main entry: taki1. idiom. obey (lit. take talk).
teke wan bangi abaa See main entry: bangi. idiom. succeed or replace someone in authority (lit. take a bench over).
teke wan sama taki See main entry: teke. idiom. obey (lit. take someone's talk).
teke wan uman See main entry: uman. idiom. euphemism for having sexual intercourse with a woman (lit. take a woman).
telefon n. telephone. Efi i wani kai wan sama a telefon, da i mu sabi a nombuu fu a telefon fi en fosi. If you want to call someone on the telephone, then you must first know his telephone number. syn: konkuu tetei. See: konkuu dosu. From: GE. Etym: telephone .
telen n. level area; plain. Den seepi den tyai gwe na a telen di lontu anga sidon peesi, fu sidon luku sani. (Ap. 19:29b) They dragged them away to the level area which was surrounded by seating places to watch things (i.e. open-air theater). From: GE. Etym: terrain .
teli vt. count. Mi teli wan, tu, dii, te anga tin. I count one, two, three, until ten. From: DU. Etym: tellen .
teligi vi. tease; provoke. Baa Kodyo ati e boon, bika den e teligi taki, en na giiliman. Br. Kodyo gets angry, because they tease him saying he is a glutton. syn: muliki; toobi; ant: boigi2. See: kosi. Variant: teigi. From: DU. Etym: tergen .
tembee vt. sculpt; cut. Da den tembee den siton sikin te a moi. (Lk. 21:5b) They beautifully sculpted the surface of the stones.
tembeeman n. carpenter; sculptor. From: EN. Etym: timber .
tembeeman n. carpenter; sculptor. See main entry: tembee.
ten 1) n. time period. A ten di mi be kon a Foto, sama á be ipi so. The time I (first) came to the city, there were not so many people. Wan ten fu kon anga wan ten fu go. A time to come and a time to leave. syn: momenti; yuu1.
2) n. time period; season. Te alenten, da alen e kai ipi. In the rainy season it rains heavily. Usage: orthographically represented as the second part of a compound word. From: GE. Etym: time .

TABLE: Times of the day

Fa a dei e paati Time of day referred to
musude about 4 or 5 AM
mamanten after daybreak
mindii dei about 1 PM
bakadina about 3 or 4 PM
neti mofu about 6 PM
mindii neti midnight
deiten daytime
neti nighttime

TABLE: Days of the week

Den dei fu a wiki Day of the week
sonde Sunday
monde Monday
tudewooko Tuesday
diidewooko Wednesday
fodewooko Thursday
feeda Friday
sataa Saturday

Table: Months of the Year

fosimun (fu baka yali) January
tu mun (fu baka yali) February
dii mun March
fo mun April
feifi mun May
sigisi mun June
seibin mun July
aitin mun August
neigin mun September
tin mun October
elufu mun November
twalufu mun December

teni num. ten. See main entry: tin.
tenti1 n. tens. Da di sapaten, san dongo, ne den sama tyai onmen tenti sama anga ala sowtu siki kon a Masaa Jesesi fu a deesi den. (Lk. 4:40a) That evening, at sunset they brought many tens of people with all kinds of diseases to the Lord Jesus for him to heal them. From: GE. Etym: ten .
tenti2 n. tent. A edeman di be e luku a apaiti tenti fu Masaa Gadu á be meke den nyan a beele, di sama e poti gi Masaa Gadu a ini a apaiti tenti de, no? (Mt. 12:4a) Didn't the priest (lit. headman) who was overseeing the Lord God's holy tent allow them to eat the bread which they placed there for the Lord God in that holy tent? From: GE. Etym: tent .
tesi 1) vi. taste; test by tasting. Mi tesi, efu a sukuu kisi a kakaw. I tasted if there was enough sugar in the hot chocolate. syn: fii1; oli1.
2) vt. test by trial. Didibii kon fu kon tesi mi anga siki, ma Masaa Gadu puu mi ne en ana. The devil came to test me with sickness, but the Lord God rescued me from his hand. See: fii fii.
3) n. trial; ordeal. Den toli di pasa de e soi fa Masaa Gadu e membee sama di e lesipeki en, fu puu den a ini ala tesi. (2 Peit. 2:9a) Those things that happened there shows how the Lord God remembers those who respect him, to rescue them from all trials. From: GE. Etym: test .
tetei 1) n. rope. Mi tei wan tetei fu baala koosi. I fastened a rope to hang up the laundry. See: dalati; koodei.
boo tetei blood vessels surrounding the heart (lit. breath rope). Usage: believed to cause the heartbeat. syn: ati tetei.
konkuu tetei phone; telephone (lit. tattle rope). syn: telefon.
naki konkuu tetei use a phone; use a telephone (lit. knock tattle rope).
takuu tetei euphemism for a snake (lit. evil or ugly rope). Na yu enke ogii ati sama, enke takuu tetei di taampu de, á sa poi puu bunbun taki kon a doo. (Mt. 12:34a) You as evil people, as snakes (lit. evil rope) who stand there are unable to produce good speech. syn: sineki.
amaka tetei n. rope for hammock.
anainsi tetei n. spider web.
ati tetei n. blood vessels surrounding the heart (lit. heart rope). Usage: believed to cause the heartbeat. syn: boo tetei.
baka futu tetei n. Achilles tendon.
insii tetei n. wire. syn: dalati; waya.
kumba tetei n. umbilical cord. Mi na goon pikin fu Tabiki, bika na ape mi kumba tetei beli. I am a native of Tabiki, in that my umbilical cord was buried there.
patata tetei n. rope made of potato root.
uku tetei n. fishing pole and line. See: lin.
2) n. vine.
3) n. amulet. Den obiyaman e wei tetei a den gogo, enke kaala. The shamans wear an amulet around their waist, like a string of beads. Usage: made of cloth worn on the waist, wrist, ankle, or neck for folk medicinal purposes. See: bui; kaala2. From: EN. Etym: tie tie .
tide n. today. Efu tide na sataa, da tamaa na sonde. If today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday. ant: eside; tamaa. From: EN. Etym: today .
tifeedi vi. content. Mi leli tifeedi ala fasi, fu di Kelestesi e gi mi taanga fu poi anga ala sani. (Fil. 4:13) I have learned to be content in every way, because Christ gives me strength to be able to do everything. Variant: tifiidi. From: DU. Etym: tevreden .
tifi 1) n. teeth of animated being. Anga wan sama tifi a ini en mofu ai kaw sani. A person chews things in his mouth with his teeth. See: mofu; tifi meti.
I langa tifi enke foluku! Insult: You long-tooth you, like a pitchfork!
I tyobo tifi enke tabaka! Insult: You dirty teeth you, like tobacco!
kaw tifi gnash or grind teeth (lit. chew teeth). Da Yolu ati boon te, ai kaw tifi. Mr. Yolu was so angry he gnashed his teeth. See: ati boon.
pii tifi laugh (lit. peel teeth). syn: lafu.
gowtu tifi n. golden caps on teeth for cosmetic purposes.
olifanti tifi n. ivory (lit. elephant teeth). A den sani di e meke anga olifanti tifi... (Kon A Kiin 18:12b) It is the things which are made of ivory (lit. elephant teeth)...
2) n. teeth or prong of an inanimate object (e.g. fork tine). Wan foluku anga wan supun na aseefi, ma a di na a foluku abi tifi. A fork and a spoon are the same (in purpose), except that the fork has teeth (tines). Ala den tifi fu a sa booko. All the teeth on the saw broke.
tifi dataa n. dentist (lit. tooth doctor). See main entry: dataa.
tifi meti See main entry: meti1. idiom. gum (of teeth) (lit. teeth meat).
tifiidi vi. content. See main entry: tifeedi.
tigii n. jaguar, Panthera onca. Tigii na a moo ogii meti fu Saanan busi. The jaguar is the most dangerous animal in the Suriname jungle. syn: Gaan Baa; bubu; pende meti; takuu meti.
lebi tigii n. puma; medium-sized cat, Puma concolor. Boiti pende tigii, da i abi a lebi wan tu. Besides the spotted tiger (jaguar), you also have the red one. syn: lebi bubu. See: bubu; takuu meti.
tii vt. govern; rule. Na Gaanlanti fu Foto e tii Saanan Kondee. It is the national government in the capital that governs the country of Suriname. syn: sitii; tyai.
tiiman n. driver of a boat or car or airplane. A tiiman na a man di e de na a baka fu a boto e tii a boto fu den go a fesi. The tiiman is the man at the back of the boat, who drives the boat forward. A tiiman e lei a wagi taanga te. The driver is driving the car so fast. syn: ede botoman; syafeli; wagiman.
tiiman n. leader. syn: basi2; edeman. From: EN. Etym: steer .
tiiki1 vt. iron; press out wrinkles with a heated iron. Mi e tiiki den koosi fu mi moi, fu den á tan kwinsi kwinsi. I iron my clothes nicely, so that they are not all wrinkled up. ant: kwinsi kwinsi. See: gaata. From: DU. Etym: strijken .
tiiki2 vt. resemble. A fasi fa i e waka, i e tiiki i dda. The way you walk resembles your father. See: gei.
(tiiki) insii n. clothes iron. See main entry: insii.
tiiman 1) n. leader. See main entry: tii.
2) n. driver of a boat or car or airplane. See main entry: tii.
tiingi vi. be littered; be strewn; be scattered. Na dati meke a hii sabana doti be tiingi ala se anga dedewan fu den di kai fika de. (1 Kor. 10:5b) That's why the whole dessert floor (lit. ground) was littered on all sides with the corpses of those who fell and were left there.
tiisensi n. penny; smallest valued coin; dime. Bika u luku ala den pikin foo di e fee a tapu. Den e seli feifi fu den fu tu tiisensi. (Lk. 12:6a) Now look at all the small birds which fly in the sky. They sell five of them for two pennies. See: sensi1. From: GE. Etym: ten cent .
Tiiyo n. Trio Amerindian of Suriname. Den Tiiyo na wan fu den Ingii kulu sama fu Saanan. The Trios are one of the Amerindian people groups of Suriname. See: Alukuyan; Aluwaka; Awayaikule; Ingii; Kiibisi. Variant: Tiyo.
tiki n. stick. A beendiman e waka anga wan tiki di den felifi lebi anga weti. The blind person walks with a stick which they painted red and white. See: taka; udu.
ali tiki draw straws (lit. haul stick). Den ali tiki paati den gudu di a dda dede fika gi den. They drew straws to divide the wealth that the dead man left behind for them. Usage: to decide a lottery by drawing straws of unequal lengths.
faya tiki gun (lit. fire stick). syn: goni.
poti a tiki ede risk; put life on the line (lit. put on the stick head). Den be puu mi a dede mofu seefi, soseefi poti den eigi libi a tiki ede, fu a wooko de ete. (Lom. 16:4a) They rescued me from death (lit. death's mouth), even putting their own lives at risk, so that the work could remain.
poti a tiki ede place on a pedestal (lit. put on the stick head).
doin tiki n. measuring stick that can be retracted or folded.
faaka tiki n. flagpole marking the place where the spirits of the ancestors are appeased.
kasaba tiki n. cassava tuber used to start new plants.
keliyon tiki n. pencil (lit. crayon stick). syn: potilowtu; sikiifi tiki.
maiki tiki n. measuring stick.
mata tiki n. pestle. Den sama e fon alisi a ini mata anga wan mata tiki. They beat rice in a mortar with a pestle. See: mata2.
nosu tiki n. bridge of the nose (lit. nose stick).
sikiifi tiki n. pencil (lit. writing stick). syn: keliyon tiki; potilowtu.
swalufu tiki n. match stick. Variant: tiki swalufu.
waka tiki n. cane; walking stick; staff (lit. walking stick). From: EN. Etym: stick .
tiki ana n. forearm (lit. stick arm). See main entry: ana.
tiki faya n. firewood used to keep a fire going. See main entry: faya.
tiki futu n. calf of the leg. See main entry: futu1.
tiki swalufu n. match stick. See main entry: swalufu tiki.
tiko tiko n. hiccup. Usage: When you have hiccups it is recommended to put saliva on your index finger and touch your head and chest. Verb form must be meke tiko tiko (lit. make a hiccup). It is likely that this word is ideophonic for the hiccup itself. From: AF. Etym: tikotiko .
tiko tiko e naki wan sama See main entry: naki. idiom. someone has the hiccups (lit. hiccup knocks someone).
tin num. ten. Te i teli go miti neigin, da na tin yu o kisi go miti elufu. After you count to nine, you will come to ten before you reach eleven. See table under: nombuu. Variant: teni; tini.
tin na aitin num. eighteen.
tin na dii num. thirteen.
tin na feifi num. fifteen.
tin na fo num. fourteen.
tin na neigin num. nineteen.
tin na seibin num. seventeen.
tin na sigisi num. sixteen.
tin na tu num. twelve. syn: twalufu. See: dosen.
tin na wan num. eleven. syn: elufu.
tin a neigin num. nineteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: neigin.
tin dunsu num. ten thousand. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: dunsu.
tin mun (fu baka yali) n. October. See table under: mun.
tin na aitin num. eighteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na dii num. thirteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na feifi num. fifteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na fo num. fourteen. See main entry: tin.
tin na neigin num. nineteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na seibin num. seventeen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na sigisi num. sixteen. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na tu num. twelve. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: tin.
tin na wan num. eleven. See main entry: tin.
tin yuu ten n. ten o'clock. See table under: yuu1.
tingi vi. stink. Efu wan dagu dede fika a ganda onmen dei, da a o tingi fann. If a dog dies and is left (unburied) in the street for many days, it will stink (ideophone). Usage: The ideophone which modifies [by emphasis] a stench is fann [vann].
I tingi mofu enke dagu! Insult: You stinking mouth you, like a dog! From: GE. Etym: stink .
tingi foo n. Black or Turkey vulture; the carrion eaters of the family Cathartidae. See main entry: foo.
tini num. ten. See main entry: tin.
titii n. penis. Ala manengee fu goontapu abi wan titii di den e pisi. All males on earth have a penis through which they urinate. Usage: euphemistically used. syn: manpeesi; pikin woon; pipi.
titiyo n. meat. Te mi e nyan, mi lobi te mi nyanyan abi gaan pisi titiyo. When I eat, I like it when my meal has a huge piece of meat. Usage: spoken in the downriver dialect. syn: sitimofu; totoo.
tiya n. aunt; sister of ego's parent. A sisa fu mi dda, efu mi mma, na mi tiya. My father or mother's sister (or niece) is my aunt. syn: tanto; Male: tiyu. See table under: famii.
tiya sama wife (lit. aunt person). Den manengee lobi te den tiya sama fu den e boli switi gi den. Men like it when their wives cook well for them. syn: boliman; uman; Male: tiyu sama. From: IB. Etym: tia .
tiya sama See main entry: tiya. idiom. wife (lit. aunt person).
Tiyo n. Trio Amerindian of Suriname. See main entry: Tiiyo.
tiyu n. uncle; brother of ego's parent. A baala fu mi mma, efu mi dda, na mi tiyu. My mother or father's brother (or nephew) is my uncle. syn: omu2; Female: tiya. See table under: famii.
tiyu sama husband (lit. uncle person). A ini Busi Kondee, na den tiyu sama e koti goon, gi den tiya sama fu den. In the Interior, it is the husband that opens (cuts trees) the planting ground for their wives. syn: goniman; man1; ontiman; Female: tiya sama. From: IB. Etym: tio .
tiyu sama See main entry: tiyu. idiom. husband (lit. uncle person).
tobiloli n. Red howler monkey, Alouatta seniculus. Tobiloli na wan tapu meti enke kesikesi, ma tobiloli lebi. The tobiloli is a tree animal like the capuchin, except that the tobiloli is red. syn: adongwa; babun2. See: kesikesi; kwata; mongii.
todo n. frog; toad; any of the aquatic or land-dwelling amphibians of the order Salienta. Todo na wan meti di na fee ai fee te ai waka. The toad is an animal which jumps (lit. fly) as it moves (lit. walks).
fufuu enke todo steal like a toad. From: EN. Etym: toad .
todo dyaki See main entry: dyaki. idiom. tadpole, Pseudis paradoxa (lit. toad fish).
todobee n. tadpole, Pseudis paradoxa. Todobee na wan pikin baaka sani di e suwen ini wataa, di e toon todo. A tadpole is a small black thing which swims in water, which turns into a frog. syn: todo dyaki.
tofuu n. magic. Na so meke tofuu di ai du be e meke den sama e foondoo onmen langa kaba na a peesi de. (Ap. 8:11) That is why the magic which he was doing was causing the people to be amazed for quite a while in that place.
tofuuman n. magician.
tofuuman n. magician. See main entry: tofuu.
toke n. Helmeted guinea fowl; pheasant-like bird, Numida meleagris. Toke na wan foo di e gei kaakun. A toke is a bird which resembles the turkey. See: gansi; kaakun. From: EN. Etym: turkey .
toko 1) vi. make an uproar; (make) trouble. Baa Kodyo anga Sa Lomina feti meke toko na a kondee. Br. Kodyo and Sr. Lomina fought and made an uproar in the village. syn: feti; opuulu; toobi.
2) n. war. Te onmen kondee fu goontapu e feti anga den seefi, da na toko den de. When many countries of the world are fighting with each other, they are at war. Usage: This lexeme has ideophonic characteristics related to heated discussion which can result into open hostilities, to the level of nations fighting against other nations. See: feti; oloku.
fu toko emphasizer (lit. for war). A man de na wan man di mi lobi fu toko. That man is a man whom I really love. syn: ogii ogii. See: booko kondee. From: EN ? Etym: talk .
tokoo vt. poke (with the fingertip). A á bun fi yu e tokoo a ini yu nosu olo. It is not good for you to poke your nostrils (pick your nose). See: sokoo.
tokoo wan sama yesi remind (lit. poke someone's ear). Ma mi o tan teke a sani ya enke mi wooko, fu tokoo u yesi naamo, fu membee den sani de. (2 Peit . 1:13a) I will continue to consider this matter as my duty, to continually remind you, to remember those things. See: membee. From: EN ? Etym: tickle .
tokoo wan sama yesi See main entry: tokoo. idiom. remind (lit. poke someone's ear).
tokotoko 1) vi. be muddy. Te alen kai, da a pasi e tokotoko te, ala wagi di lei ne en e fasi. When rain falls, the path is so muddy all the cars which ride on it get stuck. See: doti.
2) n. mud. Te alen kai, da a peesi e safu, bika na tokotoko de na a peesi. When the rain falls, the place is soft, because mud is on the ground. See: pemba.
toku conj. still; yet; nevertheless; however. Anga ala fa Sa Lomina e fon Baa Kodyo, toku ai deleigi en naamo. Though Sr. Lomina was beating Br. Kodyo, he continued teasing her still. Foowii lekiti, wansi a wan hii bakisi, toku i sa tyai en. Feathers are (so) light, though you have a whole basketful, still you can carry it. From: DU. Etym: toch .
tolen n. tower. San u pakisei fu den tin na aitin sama di a tolen fu Silowam be booko kai kii? (Lk. 13:4b) What do you think about the eighteen people which tower in Siloam fell on and killed? From: DU. Etym: toren .
toli n. story; matter; affair. Ala bakadina den sama e kon sidon a kulu e gi Anainsi toli. Every late afternoon they come and sit down as a group and tell Anainsi stories.
a lutu fu wan toli kernel of a matter (lit. root of a story). syn: a mama fu wan toli.
a mama fu wan toli kernel of a matter (lit. the mother of a story). syn: a lutu fu wan toli.
diki a ini wan sama toli meddle into somebody's affairs (lit. dig into someone's story). syn: bumui.
dipi toli a moral lesson of a fable or story (lit. deep story). See: mato.
fisi wan toli seek out a matter indirectly; ferret out the veracity of a story (lit. fish a story).
gi toli tell stories (lit. give story).
lolo toli never-ending story (lit. rolling story).
taki toli talking; converse (lit. talk stories). Den pikin e taki toli anga denseefi. The children are talking to each other. syn: gi toli.
Anainsi toli n. folktale; yarn; unbelievable report (lit. Anainsi story). Den sama di e gi Anainsi toli, na lei toli den e gi. The people that tell folktales are telling stories that are made up. Anainsi toli na toli di den sama e gi, ma a ná tuutuu toli. Anainsi toli are stories which people tell, but are not true stories. syn: mato.
goofu toli n. crude story.
lafu toli n. funny story; jokes. Ala bakadina mi dda be e gi u lafu toli, da den pikin e lafu te den e wani dede. Every evening my father told us funny stories. The children laughed until they wanted to die. syn: switi toli.
switi toli n. funny story; jokes. Ala bakadina mi dda be e gi u switi toli, da den pikin e lafu te den e wani dede. Every evening my father told us funny stories. The children laughed until they wanted to die. syn: lafu toli.
gi switi toli make people laugh (lit. give sweet story). Aleke e gi switi toli, bika alaten ai paati fatu. Aleke makes people laugh because he always gives funny stories. syn: paati fatu. From: EN. Etym: story .
toloki n. truck. Wan toloki, na wan sowtu wagi, ma a di na en baka opo fu tyai sani. A truck is a kind of car, except that it's back is open to carry things. See: besi; wagi. From: GE. Etym: truck .
tolowsutu vi. comfort; console. From: DU. Etym: troost .
tomati n. tomato; fruit or plant, Lycopersicon esculentum. Tomati na wan lebi safu sii, di den sama e boli nyanyan anga en, da ai lebi a nyanyan. Tomatoes are a red, soft fruit which people cook with food, and it reddens the food. From: IB. Etym: tomate .
tomati saadin n. sardine in tomato sauce. See main entry: saadin.
tombo n. tree or bush stump. Te i faa wan udu, da na a pisi di fika a doti, wi e kai, “tombo”. When you cut down a tree, the part which is left in the ground we call a “tombo.” Usage: trunk and roots of a felled tree. See: lutu. From: GE. Etym: stomp .
ton n. barrel. syn: balin; bidon. From: GE. Etym: toom .
tone n. mentally handicapped person. Te wan sama e tan don don, da den sama e taki a sama de tone. If a person is don don, the people say that person is mentally handicapped. Usage: especially referring to a child. syn: gadu pikin1.
tongo 1) n. tongue. Anga mi tongo mi e tesi efu wan sani abi sawtu. With my tongue I taste to see if something is salty.
2) n. language. Mi á sabi taki Ingiisi tongo bun enke Olansi. I don't know how to speak the English language as well as Dutch. syn: tali.
mama bee tongo mother tongue (lit. mother's belly language). Den sama di e tan koosube fu den Matawai anga den Saamaka e taki Kwinti enke den mama bee tongo. The people that live close to the Matawari and the Saramaccan speak Kwinti as their mother tongue.
3) n. voice. Baa Kodyo tongo bigi, te ai taki ya ala sama e yee na a biiti. Br. Kodyo has a loud voice, when he talks here everyone can hear him in the neighborhood.
I gaan tongo enke domii babun! Insult: You loud-mouth you, like a (howler) baboon!
wan sama tongo ati shrill voice (lit. a person's voice hurts). A sama de tongo ati ye! That person's voice is really shrill! See: taanga. From: GE. Etym: tongen .
tonton1 n. brain. Mi tonton de a ini mi ede ini. My brain is inside of my head. syn: fusutan; mazonzon. See: pakisei.
tonton2 n. mashed plantain. Te den sama boli baana, da den fonmi en, da na dati den e kai: “tonton”. When plantains are cooked and beaten, they call that “tonton.” See: baana. From: AF. Etym: tum tum .
toobi 1) n. dispute; conflict. A toobi fu den tu man toon wan gaan feti, di e booko a hii kondee. The dispute between the two men turned into a big fight which destroyed the whole country. Di den tu man tuka anga denseefi na tapu uku, ne den bigin feti, bika den abi wan haw toobi kaba. When the two men encountered each other at the corner, they began to fight, because they already had a long-standing conflict. See: feti; kwali1.
kisi toobi tangle with; argue; dispute; trouble between two parties (lit. get trouble). Kodyo, disi na a kiiboi toon di i naki mi sisa Sa Lomina! Efi i naki en moo mi anga yu o kisi toobi. Kodyo, this is the last time you are going to hit my sister Sr. Lomina! If you hit her again, you and I will tangle. See: feti; kwali1; meke toobi.
meke toobi cause trouble (lit. make trouble). Te Sa Lomina á boli switi nyanyan, da Baa Kodyo e ligei e meke toobi anga en. When Sr. Lomina does not cook well, Br. Kodyo attacks her, causing trouble with her. See: feti; kwali1; meke toobi.
ná a(bi) toobi O.K.; okay (lit. doesn't have trouble).
toobi sama a man seeking another man's wife (lit. trouble person).
toobiman n. troublemaker. See: atiman.
2) vt. tease. Baa Kodyo lobi toobi Sa Lomina alaten ai nyan. Br. Kodyo always loves to tease Sr. Lomina when she eats. See: deleigi; muliki. From: EN. Etym: trouble .
toobi sama See main entry: toobi. idiom. a man seeking another man's wife (lit. trouble person).
toobiman n. troublemaker. See main entry: toobi.
toolengi n. twin. Te wan mma meke toolengi, da den pikin e gei. When a mother gives birth to twins, those children look alike. Variant: twelengi. From: DU. Etym: tweelingen .
toombo1 n. metal chest or trunk. A ini wan toombo den sama e poti den pangi anga taa koosi sani a Ndyuka. People of the Aukan Interior store cloths (lit. wrap around skirts) and other fabric in a metal trunk. See: falisi1. From: DU. Etym: trommel .
toombo2 n. trommel. From: GE. Etym: trommel .
toon1 vi. become; turn into. A biya leli te, ne a toon mesiti. The fellow studied so (hard), that he became a teacher. From: EN. Etym: turn .
toon2 1) n. times; instances. Onmen toon i go a Foto kaba? How many times have you already gone to the capital? syn: boo3; leisi2; pasi2.
kiiboi toon n. last time. Kodyo, disi na a kiiboi toon di i naki mi sisa Sa Lomina! Efi i naki en moo mi o fon yu. Kodyo, this is the last time you are going to hit my sister Sr. Lomina! If you hit her again I will beat you.
2) prep. times; multiplied by. Aitin toon wan ondoo, na aitin ondoo. Eight times one hundred equals eight hundred. syn: leisi2. From: EN. Etym: turn .
toosi vt. push. Te den kaba meke wan boto a soo, da den e toosi en a wataa. When they finish building a boat on shore, they push it into the water. ant: ali. See: toto1. From: EN. Etym: thrust .
tooto1 1) n. throat; windpipe. Tooto na a pisi fu yu neki pe nyanyan e pasa go a ini i bee. The throat is the part of your neck where food passes to go into your stomach. syn: golingo.
2) [tóòtò] n. chin (includes jaw, chin and upper throat). A pisi fu wan sama sikin pe en baiba e goo, wi e kai: “tooto”. The part of a person's body where his beard grows, we call “tooto.” See: agba; alaka; baiba; kakumbe. From: EN. Etym: throat .
tooto2 n. ancestor; great, great grandparent of ego. See main entry: toto3.
toow vt. marry. Baa Kodyo anga Sa Lomina toow fu libi enke uman anga man. Br. Kodyo and Sr. Lomina married in order to live as man and wife. ant: booko toow; paati2.
booko toow divorce (lit. break marriage). syn: paati2. From: DU. Etym: trouw .
toow osu n. wedding feast. See main entry: osu.
totii adj. tiny. Wan sama di lobi mi te a teke wan mofina sama enke a pikin totii pikin ya oli fu gaan sani fu di a de fu mi ede, da na mi a oli fu gaan sani. (Mk. 9:37a) The one who loves me and welcomes (lit. takes as a great thing) a helpless person like this tiny child for my sake, receives me. ant: gaanbigi.
toto1 [tótó] vt. push; shove. Di mi akisi a man fu mi pasa, di a á wani, ne mi toto en puu na a pasi. When I asked the man if I could pass, and he didn't want me to, I pushed him out of the way. syn: pusu. From: AF. Etym: to-to .
toto2 [tòtò] vt. peck. A foo e toto a den woon di de na a poli manyan e nyan. The chicken were pecking and eating at the worms in the spoiled mango. From: AF. Etym: toota .
toto3 [tòtó] n. ancestor; great, great grandparent of ego. A dda efu mma fu mi afo na mi toto. My grandparent's father or mother are my ancestors. See: afo; See table under: famii. Variant: tooto2. From: IB. Etym: toto .
toto futu See main entry: futu1. idiom. resist (lit. push foot).
totomboti n. Crimson-crested woodpecker, Campephilus melanoleucos. Totomboti na wan foo di e toto udu. The woodpecker is a bird that pecks wood. See: toto2. From: AF. Etym: tootanti .
totoo n. game; meat. Na meti efu fisi di yu fende fu nyan den e kai: “totoo”. Animals or fish which you hunt (lit. find to eat) are called, “totoo.” syn: sitimofu; titiyo.
tow vt. tow. Da leli fu waka enke fa mi e leli, fu tyai u anga mi taanga. Soseefi, fu tyai u nowtu gi u, enke fa wan sama e tow wan taawan boto tyai. (Mt. 11:29a) Learn to live like I am teaching, to carry you with my strength. Also to bear your needs for you, just like how someone tows another boat. From: GE. Etym: tow .
towe 1) vt. throw away; discard; uproot. Mi teke ala den koosi fu mi di á bun moo towe. I took all my clothes that were no longer good and threw them away. Winta wai booko a busi towe den bon. The wind blew and tore through the jungle uprooting trees. ant: kibii. See: fiingi; iti.
2) vt. drive away; chase away hunted animals. Di mi anga Adan go a busi, ne a takitaki towe ala den meti. When Adan and I went to the jungle, his chatter drove away all the animals. See: yaki. From: EN. Etym: throw away .
towe a dofu se (yesi) gi wan sama See main entry: dofu. idiom. ignore; turn a deaf ear to (lit. he threw a deaf side ear give a person).
towe bee See main entry: bee. idiom. miscarry (lit. throw away belly).
towe gadu nyanyan See main entry: gadu2. idiom. offer food to the gods (lit. throw away idol food).
towe wataa 1) See main entry: wataa. idiom. pour out libations (lit. throw away water).
2) See main entry: wataa. idiom. bail out water in a boat (lit. throw away water).
towe wataa a boto idiom. urinate (lit. remove water from the boat). See main entry: puu wataa a boto.
towe wataa mofu See main entry: mofu. idiom. salivate; spit (lit. throw away water mouth).
towtow ideo. ideophone describing drips. Ne a bigin e begi moo taanga te, en sweti daai kon de enke buulu e doopu a doti towtow. (Lk. 22:44b) After that he began to pray stronger so much so, his sweat turned became blood (which) dripped to the ground (ideophone describing drips).
tu1 num. two. See table under: nombuu.
tu yuu ten n. two o'clock. See table under: yuu1.
tu tu n. pair; by twos. A man be gi mi tutu fu ala den sii di a be abi. The man gave me two of each of the fruits which he had.
tuse n. two sides. Ala moni abi tuse, wan baka anga wan fesi. All coins have two sides, a back and a front. From: EN. Etym: two .
tu2 adv. too; also; as well. Boiti taki mi abi tin baala, da mi abi elufu sisa tu. Besides having ten brothers, I have eleven sisters too. syn: soseefi. From: EN. Etym: too .
tu mun (fu baka yali) n. February. See table under: mun.
tu tu n. pair; by twos. See main entry: tu1.
tudewooko n. Tuesday. Tudewooko na di fu tu dei fu a wiki. Tuesday is the second day of the week. See table under: dei; See table under: wiki1. From: EN. Etym: two day work .
tuka1 1) n. drumbeat type. Tuka na doon di den sama e pee, te wan sama dede. Tuka is a kind of drumbeat they play when someone dies. See: doon.
2) n. kind of dance or song. Tuka na a sowtu dansi di den sama e dansi, te wan sama dede. Tuka is a kind of dance which they dance when someone dies.
tuka2 vt. encounter; deal with. Di den tu man tuka anga denseefi na tapu uku, ne den bigin feti, bika den abi wan haw toobi kaba. When the two men encountered each other at the corner, they began to fight, because they already had a long-standing conflict. syn: miti1. From: IB. Etym: tocar .
tumalisi adv. for the second time. Tumalisi komoto a mi fesi ya! Yu didibii, saatan yu! (Mt. 4:10b) For the second time get away from me, you devil, Satan you! From: DU. Etym: tweemaal (leisi) .
tumisi adv. too much. Efi i nyan sukuu tumisi, yu o siki. If you eat too much sugar you will get sick. See: ipi. From: EN. Etym: too much .
tumofu goni n. double-barreled shotgun (lit. two-tipped gun). See main entry: mofu.
tuse n. two sides. See main entry: tu1.
tutenti num. twenty. See table under: nombuu. See main entry: twenti.
tutu1 1) n. flute; recorder; bamboo tube. Tutu na wan sani di den e boo pee poku. A flute is something they blow to play music. See: finyoo.
2) n. bamboo plant, Bambusu vulgaris, from which flutes are made. syn: bambusi. See: penpen2. From: AF. Etym: tuutu .
tutu2 n. animal horn. Diya abi tutu a den mindii ede enke kaw. Deer have horns on (lit. middle of) their heads like cows. From: GE ? Etym: toot .
tutu3 1) vt. push. A boi e tutu a nyanyan anga en tongo kon a doo. The boy is pushing the food out (of his mouth) with his tongue. Usage: (with tongue outside the mouth). See: toto1.
2) vt. pour. Da a Maliya ya, na a seefi uman di o tutu a sumee switi fatu a Masaa Jesesi futu dee Masaa futu baka anga en ede uwii. (Jn. 11:2a) Now this Mary was the same woman, who will pour the perfume on the feet of the Lord Jesus and after that dry the Lord's feet with her hair. See: kandi.
3) vt. spill; gush out. Namo a koti komoto anda kai kon anga mindii fesi a doti, basi en hii bee tutu komoto a doo. (Ap. 1:18b) Then he ran out and fell on his face to the ground, bursting and spilling out his intestines.
tuu 1) adv. true. A ná tuu taki a dda be dede, a lei den sama be e lei. It's not true that the man was dead, they were lying. ant: lei1. See: koli.
tuutuu adv. truly; really; actual. Baa Fandeli taigi Sa Yeti taki: “Mi lobi yu tuutuu, mi nái lei”. Br. Fandeli told Sr. Yeti saying, “I love you truly, I'm not lying.” Wan dyoki na wan pikin buuku di man sama e wei fosi den wei den tuutuu buuku. Underwear is a small (pair of) pants, which males put on before they put on their actual (lit. true true) pants.
kai tuutuu come to pass (lit. fall truly). Di a kai tuutuu, ne a lon kon a mi fu mi yeepi en. When it came to pass, he ran to me for my help.
2) adv. valid. A ini u weiti seefi a sikiifi taki, te tu sama kotoigi fu wan sani, da a de tuu. (Jn. 8:17) In our law it is written saying, when two people witness to something, then it is valid.
3) n. truth. Wan sama di e taki wan sani alaten enke fa a de, na wan sama di e taki a tuu. A person who always speaks about a thing just as it really is, is a person who speaks the truth. ant: lei1. From: EN. Etym: true .
tuusu vt. push.
tuutuu adv. truly; really; actual. See main entry: tuu.
tuwalufu num. twelve. See main entry: twalufu.
twa twa n. Large-billed finch, Oryzoborus crassirostris. Twa twa na wan singi foo enke pikolet, ma a di na a moo bigi. This finch is a songbird like the lesser finch, except that this one is bigger. Usage: This bird is seen as one of the most-favored songbirds. In captivity it is entered into singing competitions. See: pikolet; tyentyen.
twalufu num. twelve. Te i taki i abi wan dosen fu wan sani, da na twalufu fu a sani de i abi. When you say you have a dozen of something, you have twelve of that thing. syn: tin na tu. See: dosen; See table under: nombuu. Variant: tuwalufu. From: GE. Etym: twalf .
twalufu mun (fu baka yali) n. December. See table under: mun.
twalufu yuu n. noon. See main entry: yuu1.
twelengi n. twin. See main entry: toolengi.
twenti num. twenty. Twenti na a nombuu di de a tin na neigin baka. Twenty is the number which follows nineteen. See table under: nombuu. Variant: tutenti.
tyaa vt. bring; carry. See main entry: tyai.
tyai 1) vt. bring; carry. Mi tyai wan saka alisi a mi ede kon a kondee. I brought a sack of rice on my head to the village. syn: syow. Variant: tyaa.
2) vt. govern; rule. Na Gaanlanti fu Foto e tyai Saanan Kondee. It is the national government in the capital that governs the country of Suriname. syn: sitii; tii.
tyai a nen See main entry: nen. idiom. be blamed (lit. carry the name).
tyai baaka See main entry: baaka. idiom. undergo the requirements of mourning the dead (lit. carry black).
tyai doo ain See main entry: ain1. idiom. underestimate (lit. bring arrive eye).
tyai ede See main entry: ede1. idiom. be smart; be wise (lit. carry head).
tyai fatu See main entry: fatu. idiom. be funny (lit. bring fat).
tyai faya See main entry: faya. idiom. catch fish at night by hacking with a machete (lit. carry fire).
tyai wini gi yu See main entry: wini. idiom. benefit you (lit. bring winning for you).
tyaipi adj. many; lots of. Tyaipi sama dede na a feti di den feti a Busi Kondee. Many people died in the war waged in the Interior. Usage: constructed from te a ipi. See: ipi; somen. From: EN. Etym: till it heap .
tyali vi. be sad; be in sorrow. Te wan sama fu wan sama dede, da a sama e tyali. When someone's relative dies, the person is sad. ant: piisii. See: buduufu; kee; kusumi. Variant: sali2.
tyali anga wan sama mourn with someone (lit. sorrow with a person). syn: kee pina anga wan sama; ant: piisii anga wan sama. See: buduufu. From: AF. Etym: ky-ali .
tyali anga wan sama See main entry: tyali. idiom. mourn with someone (lit. sorrow with a person).
tyali kisi wan sama See main entry: kisi1. idiom. grieve for someone (lit. sorry grabbed someone).
tyamulooko n. dragonfly of the order Odonata. Tyamulooko na wan sani enke feefee, ma a di na en tee anga en mapaapi langa. A tyamulooko is something resembling a fly, except that its tail and wings are long. See: makonkon.
tyandaaman n. bee of the order Hymenoptera. Na tyandaaman e meke a switi diingi di den e kai oniki. The bee makes the sweet drink which they call honey. See: oniki; wasi wasi.
tyapu n. hoe. Anga wan tyapu wi e kaabu den gaasi puu a u ganda. We scrape and remove grass from the yard around your house with a hoe. syn: ho. From: DU. Etym: tjap .
tyatya1 vt. plant; sow. Mi mma tyatya alisi a ini a goon fu goo. My mother planted rice in the planting ground. Usage: ideophonic for the act of planting. syn: sai2.
tyatya2 n. gravel. Den wookoman daai tyatya anga santi mokisa anga simenti fu meke den ponsu fu a osu. The workmen stirred the gravel and sand and mixed them with cement for making the pillars of the house. See: siton.
tyatyai n. cloth or leafy buffer used to support loads carried on the head. Fosi i poti wan bakisi na yu ede, da i mu poti wan tyatyai fu a bakisi ná ati yu ede. Before you put a (heavy and full) basket on your head, you should place a tyatyai (on your head) so that the basket doesn't hurt your head. Variant: tyatyali.
tyatyali n. cloth or leafy buffer used to support loads carried on the head. See main entry: tyatyai.
tyen n. sugar cane, Saccharum officinarum. See main entry: ken.
tyentyen n. Silver-beaked (velvet) tanager, Ramphocelus carbo. Tyentyen na wan foo di e gei tyuwi, ma a di na en mofu weti, da en sikin lebi. A tyentyen is a small bird like the tyuwi, except that its beak is white and its body is red. See: pikolet; twa twa; tyuwi.
tyobo 1) vi. be dirty; be filthy; be foul. A osu tyobo te, u mu sibi en fu a kiin baka. The house is so dirty, you have to sweep it clean again. syn: molusu; ant: kiin.
I tyobo tyaka tyaka ede uwii enke foo kapata diko! Insult: You filthy, matted hair you, like a chicken scratching in the trash heap!
I tyobo fesi enke foo! Insult: You filthy face you, like a chicken!
I tyobo mofu enke dagu! Insult: You filthy mouth you, like a dog!
I tyobo tifi enke tabaka! Insult: You dirty teeth you, like tobacco!
2) n. dirt pile that has been swept up. Puu a tyobo di i sibi poti de go towe. Put the pile of dirt which you swept up there and throw it out. See: doti ipi. From: AF. Etym: tsobo .
tyobo beenki n. dirty dishes. See main entry: beenki2.
tyobo sani See main entry: sani. idiom. dirty dishes (lit. dirty things).
tyoko vt. choke. Ma den booko fu a libi anga a feti fu fende tyaipi gudu anga taa sani a goontapu anga a lobi fu goontapu sani seefi, e tyoko a wowtu a ini den ati ini kii, meke a á poi meke nyanyan. (Mk. 4:19) But the worries of life and the struggle to hoard riches and the other things in the world, as well as the love of the things of the world, chokes the word in their hearts to death, causing them to not be able to produce a crop. syn: pasuma. From: EN. Etym: choke .
tyokoo ideo. ideophone describing dejection or loneliness or defeat. Na di a lasi meke a sidon tyokoo so. Losing caused him to sit dejectedly.
tyondo vi. limp; hop on one leg; skip. A naki wan se futu, ne ai tyondo anga a taa se. He knocked one of his feet (against something) and is limping on the other. See: kinika.
tyontyon1 [tyóntyón] n. sharp point. A tyontyon na wan peesi pe den tu mofu fu wan sani e miti denseefi. A sharp point is a place where the edges of two things meet each other. syn: uku2.
tyontyon2 [tyòntyòn] n. Striated heron, Butorides striastus. See: sabaku.
tyotyo vt. give a boxing jab. A tyotyo en wan kofu ne en ain. He boxed him with a fist to his eye. Usage: extended meaning: to work painstakingly at something, wearing out your body. Probably comes from an ideophone as used in this sentence: A tyotyo en tyo tyo tyo “He hit him [ideophone describing sound of fists hitting flesh].”.
tyotyootyo adv. squat-like. Te i sidon tyotyootyo, da yu á kaba sidon doo doti. When you sit squat-like, you are not quite sitting on the ground. Usage: probably ideophonic. ant: taampu1.
tyubula n. stingray, Potamotrygon motoro. Tyubula na wan paata lontu fisi, di e sutu yu anga en tee, efi i taampu ne en tapu. Stingrays are a kind of round flat fish which stings you with its tail, if you step on it. syn: sipali2.
tyuku n. bribe. A denki taki, te den e miti e taki, da Pawlesi o suku fu pai tyuku fu komoto na a dunguu osu. (Ap. 24:26b) He thought when they met and talked that Paul would try to pay a bribe to be released from prison.
tyupa vt. suck. Te i poti wan sani a i mofu e soigi, da na tyupa yu e tyupa en. When you put something to your mouth and suck, you are sucking it. Usage: ideophonic for the sucking sound, thus the sound is in focus as distinguished from soigi. syn: soigi. Variant: supa.
tyuwi 1) n. gray-like color. Tyuwi na a kololu di de enke a asisi fu faya olo. Tyuwi is the color like ashes of a fire pit. syn: asisi.
2) n. small, gray bird sp. Tyuwi na wan pikin foo enke tyentyen, ma a di na en sikin asisi. Tyuwi is a small bird like the tyentyen, except that its body is gray. Usage: Name for this bird is derived from its color. See: tyentyen.
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